Are you looking for a new accountant or new accounting company?
Changing your current accountant or accounting company is not like changing your mobile or Internet provider. If you are happy with your current accounting services in Sofia, and you work with them few years already, our advice is to stick with them and continue your work in the future – even if it costs you a bit more money.
If you are looking for a cheaper price – think about it twice. You could get much worse quality, which could lead to extra administrative fines and direct financial losses. Is this worth the risk? You will decide as the choice is yours.
Just as no two business owners or entrepreneurs are the same, accountants are not either.
A quality accountant can provide significant cost savings for your company as well as identify areas of opportunity.
We would like you to become our client, so please contact us for an individual offer for accounting services or subscription accounting and payroll services.
Problems With Your Accountant?
Some of the most common reasons for business failure include lack of strategic planning, poor cashflow, and mismanagement. These are problems effective accounting can help solve and even prevent.
Whatever your problem, an accountant has already heard it and should know how to address it.
This article discusses specific items that you may be experiencing issues with your accountant in Sofia.
Some Potential Reasons for Problems with your Accountant
They Do Not Understand Your Business or Industry
As a financial advisor, your accountant should have a clear understanding of your business and industry – particularly from the perspective of financing, taxes, or possible business opportunities.
They Do Not Pay Attention to International Tax Rules
If you are not handling your taxes correctly, especially for international e-commerce businesses, you risk a whole host of violations in multiple countries, depending on how you’re set up.
They Do Not Ensure That Your Business and Personal Finances Have Boundaries
You do not have business accounts separate from all your personal finances to eliminate mistakes and reduce the possibility of potential fraud.
They are Using the Wrong Accounting Software or Misusing Your Appropriate One
If your accountant is using a software that does not have the right feature set for your needs, you might be forced to create workarounds and put yourself at risk.
They Are Not Clear in Their Explanations
You have a right to ask your financial professionals to explain things to you without the use of jargon, or to explain what a certain phrase or word means in the context of your business. Asking them to keep explanations specific to your situation can help you absorb the lesson more quickly and ask better follow-up questions.
They Do Not Communicate Well
Your accountant must respond promptly to your phone calls, emails, or text messages at most within a couple of days. Although they might be busy, they should prioritize your needs and questions enough to make time to address them or, at the very least, acknowledge them.
They Are Not Discreet About Their Other Clients
Although it is acceptable for accountants to use client stories to demonstrate their experience, mentioning the names or financial details of their other clients indicates your financial matters won’t remain secret as well.
They Suggest Dishonest Practices to Save Money
A good accountant will understand how to maximize tax deductions and tax credits without submitting misleading tax returns or falsifying loan applications.
They Never Look at your Financial Reports
At a minimum, your accountant should be looking at cashflow reports, accounts receivable and payable, your balance sheet, and income statement to help you run your business.
They Are Reconciling Your Receivables Late
If your accountant is waiting until a hard deadline like tax day to go through and reconcile your receivables, they are wasting a lot of time and potentially risking costly mistakes due to inaccurate ledgers.
They Are Not Recording Cash Expenses
If you are relying on your credit card or automatic billing to prompt your accounting software to record an expense for you then you will not have an accurate picture of your business expenses.
They Do not Help with Your Financial Business Plan
With a fresh business plan, you can work to build a better business. The planning process should include the following:
- Effectively pricing your offerings.
- Hiring and compensation
- Investing in new assets
- Succession planning
Reasons to Change Your Accountant In Bulgaria
Why you should change your current Bulgarian Accountant to ViaActive:
1. They are not keeping up to date with the latest technology as having up to date financial information enables you to make quick, but informed decisions about your business.
2. They do not keep up to date with your expenses and bank accounts so that you are aware of your cashflow and how much money you need to set aside for tax purposes and other business expenses.
Your accountant should provide you with regular updates beyond the quarterly and annual overviews. If they are not doing this, then the chances are you do not have a full picture of what is happening with your business financials at any given time.
3. They are unapproachable, and you should expect more from your accountant than just a yearly, or even quarterly update. They should be aware of, and involved in, your business finances so that they can offer useful and timely advice.
4. They do not understand your business, or what you do. They do not need to know every aspect of your day-to-day job, but they should understand how your industry works and what your pressure points, busy periods and challenges are likely to be.
5. When they do contact you, they do not broach difficult topics. Building a business involves making tough decisions, and your accountant is there to facilitate that.
6. You missed out on a financial benefit because your accountant was unaware of a rule or an allowance either due to bad communication, or your accountant is unaware of the changes.
7. You are never sure what additional charges they may add on. Your accountant should clearly spell out – in writing, at the beginning – exactly what is included within the amount that you pay. You should also have a menu of charges, so you know what would be charged as added extras if you need them.
8. They are not saving you money, identifying business cost savings or making you aware of profitable opportunities for your business.
Looking for a New Accountant in Sofia?
If you are experiencing some of the problems listed above, then it is probably time to start searching for a new accountant. Some tips are:
- Do due diligence on everyone you are considering, just like you would with a potential hire, and consider less-tangible things like personality fit, as you will be spending at least some time each month interacting personally with your accountant.
- Ensure their services and fees line up with your needs before you spend too much time on intangibles.
- Be aware of Promises Before They’ve Seen Your Financial Statements
- The right accountant will acknowledge and address the faults in your prior relationship.
Hiring an accountant is an investment into your business. Basic services provide basic results. Premium services provide premium results.
Hiring a strategic partner, such as ViaActive, can put tools in place to capture and present data so you can make better decisions.
Accounting Services in Sofia, Bulgaria
The experienced accountants at ViaActive can assist you with accounting services in Sofia, tax advice and assistance to obtain tax residence of Bulgaria.
Our aim is to make your accounting services in Bulgaria as simple and hassle-free as possible. We use the latest technology for our accounting and payroll services, and you will have instant access to all your accounting and payroll documentation accessible from anywhere and on any device.
If you would like to get in touch with us to see how we could help, we’re happy to sit down with you and go through how we’d work with you, supporting you and your business.